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Sightings Map
Explore an interactive map of UFO sightings and airport data.
UFO Descriptions
See how descriptions of UFOs change over time.
Sighting Duration
How long are UFO sightings?
Time of Sightings
See when UFO sightings occur most often.
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Interactive Map of UFO Sightings

Airplanes are commonly mistaken for UFOs. Can you see a correlation?

Looking up at the sky people see objects they can't explain. These are called unidentified flying objects, or UFOs. What are people really seeing? Can we understand more about UFOs by studying the sightings? We invite you to explore these visualizations based on over 80,000 recorded UFO sightings from the past 60 years. Help us explain the unexplainable. 
Interactive Dashboard
Dive in depth into the UFO sightings data using the interactive dashboard.
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